Actions Speak Louder Than Words

MOVE for AutismOur compassionate 'Mover' Nicole Johnson created an initiative for dancers to contribute their "voice" to assist communities with compromised living conditions. She developed JP, Javanna Productions, when she was thirteen years old and since then has had a very positive response from audiences across the country.

JP's 'M.O.V.E.' is their most recent endeavor which is ultimately trying to make the world an easier place to live in. They focus on many different social issues and reach out to those who are in need of resources such as the Autistic community, the Cambodian community, Cancer stricken patients in the U.S. and an orphanage in Uganda. They intend to raise awareness and funds for these causes while using their craft and doing what makes them happy.

Check out their promotional video:

Here's where you can contribute. Simply stop by and enjoy the show! The most charming aspect of Nicole Johnson's 'M.O.V.E.' is all her efforts inspire happiness in the lives of those involved.

Move For Autism