Strength Training

Strength Training, Enforced ArchStrength training may be defined as engaging in activities that take increasing muscular strength as their primary focus and benefit. Examples include pull-ups, push-ups, and many acrobatic movements and other specific 'moves' that train many muscle groups at once. Sprinting at top speed is a great way to improve cardiac output (how much blood the heart can put out), and it is also a great way to increase the strength of the major leg muscles.

Strength training can improve one's ability to perform certain movement sequences, including dance and sport movements, as well as defending oneself from the ground in a fall. One can also increase the speed of reflexes and reactions required to adequately protect oneself.  Additional benefits of this type of training include increasing bone density, which is a key  in preventing osteoporosis.

For more on the Author, Sebastian Grubb, visit his ‘Movers’ page!

Arrest Yourself, Yet Again!

Arrest Yourself, James KoroniIf you missed out on our last performance of 'Arrest Yourself' here's your chance to see us live! ‎'M.O.V.E. For Autism' created by 'Mover' Nicole Johnson! April 26th (tonight) from 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM 52nd St Project Theater 2nd floor btwn 52nd & 53rd St on 10th Ave.

Students: $10.00 Adults: $15.00

Arrest Yourself, James Koroni'Arrest Yourself' Choreographer: James Koroni Dancers: Aubrey Bailey, James Koroni, Kiet Lam, Lauren Cox & Scott HamiltonArrest Yourself, James Koroni


Anja Keister, Enforced ArchAnja Keister, Enforced ArchAnja Keister, Enforced Arch I can only imagine what playing Scrabble with this quirky  'Mover' must be like. Anja Keister's choices teem with hilarity and keeps you entertained on all levels. Her innate creativity developed two alternatives to the cruel usage of feathers for traditional burlesque acts.

The group known as D20 Burlesque had a show entitled "Boards and Broads" where each performer took the stage and cleverly constructed or performed their unique rendition of popular games. One lady even built the entire game of Mouse Trap while on stage which left me on the edge of my seat! Anja Keister, a compassionate 'Mover,' was not only the producer of this popular evening at The Parkside Lounge but also performed two acts of her own. Her first performance featured a Scrabble Chip Fan that she constructed herself and for her second performance  she made a beautiful wheat headdress which was part of a game called The Settlers of Catan.  Then there was her faux lambs head heals. Amazing!

Rather than feel defeated by what struggles may come with finding an alternative to feathers, Anja took this opportunity to be creative and in turn expanded our minds and enlightened our evenings!

For more on Anja Keister visit her 'Movers' page!


Apple No multivitamin can take the place of a healthy diet. That's because there are thousands of known and thousands of unidentified nutrients (a large portion are phytochemicals found in plants) in whole foods and no supplement contains these thousands. At best there will be a few dozen, but it is theorized that the real benefits from nutrients depend on how they interact together. And scientists are still guessing at how that happens. The bottom line is: get your vitamins, minerals, and the rest from food, not supplements. It's important to note that a number of studies have been done on supplemental Vitamin A and Vitamin E. These studies have shown a *decrease* in health associated with supplementing these vitamins. Again, get your vitamins from food.

For more on the Author, Sebastian Grubb, visit his ‘Movers’ page!

Dance Against Cancer

DAC-LOGO 2011 Dance Against Cancer (source) Manhattan Movement & Arts Center

The Manhattan Movement & Arts Center is proud to present Dance Against Cancer. The year's performance will take place on Monday, April 25, 2011. Cocktails at 6 PM, performance at 7 PM and reception at 8:30 PM.

** Logo and Invitation Design by Paula Salhany

The evening’s performance, produced by Erin Fogarty and Daniel Ulbricht, will include three World Premiere pieces and will be performed by Daniel Ulbricht, Robert Fairchild, Amar Ramasar, Tyler Angle, Craig Hall, Wendy Whelan, Maria Kowroski, and Sterling Hyltin, as well as Matthew Rushing, Attila Csiki, Keigwin + Company, Alex Wong, and Martin Harvey to choreography by George Balanchine, Christopher Wheeldon, Benjamin Millepied, Larry Keigwin, Lar Lubovitch, Earl Mosley, Alex Wong and Robert Fairchild, and Daniel Ulbricht.


Spring M.O.V.E.

Next M.O.V.E. For Autism in Washington Square Park: Monday, April 25th at 4:00!

Creator, M.O.V.E. For Autism - Nicole Johnson

Video Editor & Producer - James Koroni

Spring Photography - Stephan Rahim Rabimov & James Koroni

Music - 'Intimate' by Crystal Castles

Dancers - Nicole Johnson, Pierce Cady, Javier Gonzalez, Clare Maceda, Alex Sala, Randel Santangelo & Anthony.

Spring M.O.V.E.. Spring M.O.V.E.. Spring M.O.V.E.. Spring M.O.V.E.

Bud Burdick

 Bud Burdick


Rochester: Age 28 passed away April 27, 2013. Bud fought a courageous battle with AML Leukemia since July of 2012.

Per Bud's wishes, no services will be held. To honor Bud's love of animals, memorials may be made to Guiding Eyes For The Blind, 611 Granite Springs Road, Yorktown Heights NY 10598. ATTENTION Lynn Shulman or

Bud Burdick was a Capoeira practitioner who lived in the New York metropolitan area. He had extensive experience teaching Capoeira to people of all ages at universities, academies, gyms, yoga studios, and teen centers. While attending college, Bud taught and inspired Capoeira students in the clubs he ran. His dance, choreographic, and performance experience was more than abundant during his time spent at The College at Brockport. Dance concerts this past spring featured choreography and performances by Bud. He had the opportunity to be a part of, and perform with, the Kista Tucker Dance Co. in Rochester, NY and was working with Kelley Donovan and Dancers in NYC.  His strength as a leader in the Capoeira community was recognized while teaching various classes at the Capoeira Academy.

A personal trainer by profession, Bud believed that health and fitness is mandatory, regardless of your walk of life. A clean, organic diet fueled his ambitious desire to be as fit as possible so that he can be the best mover he can be.

Bud BurdickI listen to my body, and a vegan lifestyle works best. I am constantly moving, so I fuel my body appropriately. Since becoming a vegan, I have noticed that I heal faster and am stronger than I have ever been.” -Bud Burdick

Washington Square Sparks

M.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For AutismM.O.V.E. For Autism
Photography By James Koroni
Nicole Johnson,
Pierce Cady, Javier Gonzalez, Clare Maceda, Alex Sala, Randel Santangelo &

MOVE For Autism, April 26th at 52 Street Project

You are cordially invited to an enchanted evening, with 'Mover' Nicole Johnson, where you will be inspired by artists united by their unique voice, "movement." Javanna Productions' M.O.V.E. (Motivation Opportunity Vision Entertainment) and Broadway Dance Center presents 'M.O.V.E. For Autism.' A night of movement and dance to raise funds and awareness for the autistic community. Featuring students from BDC's ISVP, Pro Semester, and Training Program along with original M.O.V.E. members and a few special guests!MOVE For Autism

FOOD: Part 6 of 6

Increase Intake of Clean Water

Water Tryptic, Warhol Tribute, Enforced ArchWater Tryptic, Warhol Tribute, Enforced ArchWater Tryptic, Warhol Tribute, Enforced ArchAdequate water intake is vitally important. And the more one sweats from being physically active and in hotter environments, the more one ought to drink. Water is a component of many foods and beverages; the healthier of these would be fresh vegetables, fruits, soup made from veggies, and teas. Though it's a point of contention, moderate consumption of coffee and alcohol may also be considered in this group, though these beverages are certainly not necessary for good health. In the end, drinking more pure water is obviously the most reliable way to increase the amount of water your body receives. It is possible to drink too much water, but this is rare. Generally speaking, if your urine is mostly clear or only slightly yellow, you are getting enough water. If it is dark yellow, you are dehydrated and your body is not functioning at its best.

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For more on the Author, Sebastian Grubb, visit his ‘Movers’ page!

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

MOVE for AutismOur compassionate 'Mover' Nicole Johnson created an initiative for dancers to contribute their "voice" to assist communities with compromised living conditions. She developed JP, Javanna Productions, when she was thirteen years old and since then has had a very positive response from audiences across the country.

JP's 'M.O.V.E.' is their most recent endeavor which is ultimately trying to make the world an easier place to live in. They focus on many different social issues and reach out to those who are in need of resources such as the Autistic community, the Cambodian community, Cancer stricken patients in the U.S. and an orphanage in Uganda. They intend to raise awareness and funds for these causes while using their craft and doing what makes them happy.

Check out their promotional video:

Here's where you can contribute. Simply stop by and enjoy the show! The most charming aspect of Nicole Johnson's 'M.O.V.E.' is all her efforts inspire happiness in the lives of those involved.

Move For Autism


Nicole Johnson


Nicole Johnson is a freshman at NYU studying social entrepreneurship via public administration and the arts. After moving from Miami, FL in the Fall of 2008, Nicole re-launched her production company, Javanna Productions, and presented an effort entitled M.O.V.E which stands for Motivation Opportunity Vision Entertainment. Javanna Productions' M.O.V.E is an effort that not only promotes awareness and raises funds for rising issues, but it provides today's generation and generations to come with an example of brotherly responsibility. JP's MOVE seeks to encourage pre-teens, teens and young adults to be productive, be creative, be aware of local and worldly issues and develop a stronger sense of community within their neighborhoods. This year, Javanna Productions' M.O.V.E. is raising funds and awareness for the need for education in rural parts of the world. Nicole is working with the Bernie Krisher Rural School Project Foundation to build a school in rural Cambodia within the next two years. Since 2008 M.O.V.E. has raised money and awareness for organizations like Autism Speaks, QSAC, Children of Uganda, Church Of Christ in Ghana and the Fivers Foundation. In addition to the productions and events she hosts monthly, Nicole has performed in runs of A Chorus Line as Cassie, Into The Woods as the Witch and Rosie in Bye Bye Birdie receiving the National Youth Theater Awards' Best Actress in a Musical title for all three roles.

"M.O.V.E. is innovation. M.O.V.E. is inspiration. M.O.V.E. is change and change is needed." -Nicole Johnson

FOOD: Part 5 of 6

Ensure Regular Consumption of Nuts and Seeds

NUTS and SEEDSNuts and seeds contain many beneficial nutrients, including healthy fats that play a role in  reducing the risk of heart disease. Regular consumption of nuts and seeds is often quantified at 1-2 servings daily, depending on one's level of physical activity. If you are so physically active that you have a hard time eating enough food, nuts and seeds are an energy-dense (i.e. calorically high) food. A serving is loosely defined as a small handful. Some members of this food group, such as ground flaxseeds, hemp seeds and walnuts, contain a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which are an extremely important -- and an often missing--dietary component. Generally speaking, increasing one's intake of omega-3 fats is a good way to improve one's health.

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For more on the Author, Sebastian Grubb, visit his ‘Movers’ page!


KAIGHTBeauty Bombshell Bettina May & I took a trip to KAIGHT, an Eco Boutique, this past weekend in search of Earth friendly attire. You can find them in the Lower East Side off of Orchard at Broome St.

Here are a few items we couldn't overlook:

KAIGHTKAIGHTKAIGHTKAIGHTKAIGHT From top to bottom; TOMS Shoes, Melissa Plastic Dreams, Nina Payne Ballet Flats, Waiting For the Sun (Sunglasses) & more. Visit them at the following address:

KAIGHT 83 Orchard Street New York, NY 10002

Bag Lady

Bag LadyLauren Cox makes her moves despite the weight of this social issue. Domestic violence can be found in many forms. In her piece entitled 'Bag Lady,' Lauren exudes bravery and is determined to free others of what turmoil they are experiencing in their daily lives. She uses her choreographic voice as a platform to inspire and inform others that there is a support system in place for you to fall back upon. The story tellers, or Freedom Sisters, introduce you to a woman lost in a whirlwind of confrontation. Past "baggage" holds her to prior relationships where love was never the foundation. Rather emotional insecurity and manipulation lived as a means to control her heart. As the story unfolds you see the character build confidence through her loving friends. When she finally takes a stand these women are there to assist her in the process of letting go. For upcoming performances of 'Bag Lady' & the Freedom Sisters check back with Enforced Arch!

Domestic Violence Resource Center (DVRC)

Choreographer Lauren Cox

Assistant Choreographers Andrea Queens & James Koroni

Dancers Andrea Torres, Andrea Queens, Federica Paoli, Klara Beyeler, Lauren Cox, Maria Del Rosario Aviles, Raphael Dw Thomas & James Koroni.

FOOD: Part 4 of 6

Decrease Intake of Processed Foods and Animal Foods

Decrease Intake of Processed Foods and Animal FoodsIn general, the more nutrient-dense the food one eats, the healthier one is. Eating more veggies, fruits, and legumes is a direct response to this principle. But since you only have so much room in your stomach, the only (comfortable) way to eat more of these foods is to eat less of other foods that contain fewer nutrients per calorie. On the spectrum of nutrient- density, unrefined plant foods are at the top and processed foods such as pastries, cookies, candy, most food bars and breakfast cereals, bread made with refined (e.g. "white") flour, oil, and others are at the bottom. Higher consumption of processed foods is associated with decreased overall health. This could be due to many reasons, but a likely one is that eating more processed food means eating less unrefined plant food, and it is the latter of the two that can actually protect your health.

Animal foods, such as meat, fish, yogurt, cheese, etc., also are less nutrient-dense than veggies and fruits, but generally contain more beneficial nutrients than processed foods. Therefore it is prudent to eliminate processed foods, begin to eliminate animal foods as much as you can and opt for the base of your diet to be unrefined plants instead. An additional reason for most westerners to eat less food from animals is that animal foods are virtually the only source of saturated fat in the human diet. And consumption of saturated fat is considered one of the main contributors to heart disease, a disease that increasingly strikes Westerners. And some animal foods, such as fish, contain the highest level of contaminants such as mercury, PCB's, dioxin, and others. These contaminants pose a serious threat if eaten in too high a quantity, especially for children and fetuses. Again, the main issue with over-consuming animal foods is likely that it means under-consuming health promoting plant foods such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes/pulses, nuts, and seeds.

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For more on the Author, Sebastian Grubb, visit his ‘Movers’ page!

FOOD: Part 3 of 6

Replace Refined Grains with Whole Grains

Grains are refined primarily so they store longer and for the 'lighter' texture. When a grain is processed and refined, such as whole wheat into white flour, many valuable nutrients are lost.

This is because a grain is made up of a bran, germ, and endosperm; the bran and germ are typically removed with processing even though they contain the highest concentration of many nutrients. What is left is the endosperm, which is mostly starch. Almost without exception, when given the option one should eat a whole grain instead of a refined grain. Whole grains include whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, corn, rolled oats, etc., and have traditionally been the dietary staple of the majority of human civilizations.

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For more on the Author, Sebastian Grubb, visit his ‘Movers’ page!


James Koroni, ChoreographerI had the opportunity to choreograph and dance for Sasha the "Russian Madonna." Making her debut in the US has been effortless for this fashion forward recording artist. After watching my YouTube Channel she contacted me with much enthusiasm. She wanted me to develop an eclectic performance for her upcoming single release at a local NYC nightclub. James Koroni, Choreographer

With three days to prepare a jaw dropping performance I needed a talented and tirelessly diligent dance choreographer to team up with. I called on my friend Tracey Katof to assist me in the studio the very next evening. She and I completed the piece on the second day and taught the dancers shortly thereafter. Special thanks are owed to our dancers; Jac-Louis Snyman, Lauren Cox & Kelsey Furhman. Their performance energy, positive attitude and professionalism coalesced into a captivating dance experience that no one had anticipated!

James Koroni, Choreographer

Our costumes are pleather military couture tops with chains and prominent shoulder pads. Check out some photos from our performance.[imagebrowser id=10]

Photography by Andrew Werner

James Koroni, ChoreographerI was especially impressed with Sasha for her interest in social issues. Our initial meeting over coffee in the West Village was all about sharing our common interest in communicating world issues and offering compassion through artistry. She is an advocate for a charity called Pencils of Promise. Their work reflects their commitment to sustainable educational opportunities. Their role is to create more than just four walls; the schools they build must continue to provide generations of quality education. To ensure their success, they approach works from the bottom up, finding and working with communities who don't just need a school, but who are invested in creating a successful one. (source)

I appreciated the opportunity to work for an artist that is unconditionally interested in the minds of tomorrow. I wish her the best in all that she does!

For more on Sasha, visit!